About Politicsweb

About Politicsweb

Politicsweb is a website focused on the news and politics of Southern Africa.  It aims to provide its readers with breaking news, informed comment and opinion, and easy access to key online resources. It also intends to provide a forum for reasoned debate, and so welcomes comments and contributions (click here to contact us).

It is currently funded through advertising as well as through a grant from the Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit.

Important notice to posters submitting comments on stories:

Politicsweb invites comments at the foot of each of its stories in which readers can respond freely - anonymously if they wish - to various topical issues and political debates. However, comments submitted by readers that are defamatory or deemed, by the editors, to be racist or abusive or represent "trolling" will be deleted from the database. Users who habitually abuse the comment function will be blocked.